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Tour Terms & Conditions

  1. Participation and Associated Risks
    I accept and understand that participating in any Grand European Tour brings multiple potentially significant risks. As such any Tour is considered potentially dangerous in nature, and I assume these risks by taking part. Some of the potential dangers include, but not limited to:

  • Collisions with other motor vehicles

  • Collisions with pedestrians

  • Collisions with stationary or moving objects

  • Accidents attributed to negligence by other parties or oneself.


It is understood and accepted that my participation in any Tour may result in physical injury, whether minor or serious and/or result in the death myself and/or others. Furthermore, I understand and accept that during any Tour undertaken with Grand European Tours, it will require driving on public roads and I am subject to the hazards associated to this in both fair and inclement weather. I also accept that driving for long periods of time is physically and mentally exhausting which can exacerbate the risk of personal harm.


2. Personal Risk Acceptance
I fully accept and subsume all aforementioned risks, entering any Grand European Tour voluntarily with full awareness and knowledge, and assume these risks for loss and/or damage, injury or death.


3. Terms and Conditions
I understand and accept that Grand European Tours will use all reasonable efforts to ensure participants adherence to the terms and conditions of their Tours, although this is not guaranteed. I will comply with all of the terms and conditions of the Tours I decide to participate in.


4. Release of Liability
I, upon agreeing to the terms and conditions set out by Grand European Tours, hereby waive, release, and forever discharge, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives, any and all rights and/or claims which I have, may have, or may hereafter accrue to me against Grand European Tours (as the Tour Operators/Organisers), its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and sponsors for any and all damages, injuries (including death), and/or claims which may be sustained by me directly or indirectly arising from my participation in the Tour, inclusive of the application of medical and/or emergency services, irrespective of whether those damages, injuries (including death), and/or claims are caused by the negligence of those persons listed above or otherwise. I understand and accept that nothing in these terms and conditions shall be construed as excluding or limiting Grand European Tours liability for personal injury or death arising from its negligence or the negligence of persons under its control. Moreover, I covenant not to sue or seek legal compensation from the Tour organisers its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and sponsors for any and all damages, injuries (including death), and/or claims which may be sustained by me directly or indirectly arising out of my own participation in the Tour. This release and discharge includes, but is not limited to, claims for personal injury, death, property damage, economic loss, breach of contract, lost wages, contribution indemnity, indemnity, punitive damages, negligence, or any other legally recognisable claim arising from my participation in the Tour inclusive of all associated legal costs from any such claims.


5. Indemnity
I hereby agree to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Grand European Tours, its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, sponsors, licensees and assigns from and against any and all claims, damages, demands, liabilities, suits and/or actions arising directly or indirectly from my actions or otherwise from my participation in the Tour, whether made or claimed during or after the Tour, inclusive of all associated costs and expenses and any amounts which the organisers may pay as a settlement or compromise of any such claim(s) or liabilities.

6. Image Rights
I hereby waive any and all rights of publicity or privacy and grant Grand European Tours complete unwavering permission to utilise and exploit my name, likeness, image, biographical material and voice in any and all manner, and form worldwide and in perpetuity. I hereby release the Grand European Tours, its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, sponsors, licensees and assigns from and against any and all claims I have or may have for invasion of privacy, defamation and/or any other cause of action arising from the production, broadcasting, exhibition and/or distribution of footage, photographs or any promotional material whatsoever.

I confirm that I have read and understand this waiver, and that it constitutes a substantial bypass of rights by accepting the terms and conditions of any Tour organised and delivered by Grand European Tours. I accept that I have done so voluntarily and freely, with no inducement, compensation, coercion or duress. I understand that by booking any tour, these terms and conditions are enacted by law. I intend this waiver to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. I agree that, if any portion of this waiver is held to be invalid, that the balance of the waiver shall continue in full force and effect.

By completing the “I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions” box upon initial booking, I am hereby accepting the Terms and Conditions and this Release & Waiver, concluding a legally binding agreement with Grand European Tours to participate in all associated Tours under the quoted terms and conditions herein.

7. Monthly Installments

By agreeing to our terms and conditions when booking one of our tours you agree to make the monthly installments on time, and understand that failure to make payments will jeopardise your place on the tour and any refunds of monies already paid.


Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

By using the Grand European Tours website, you acknowledge and agree with all aforementioned terms and conditions of use. Grand European Tours reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions of use at any time. Your continued use of the website indicates your acceptance any amended terms and conditions.

Grand European Tours shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising from the use of this website. This website is provided on an “as is” basis and, as such, cannot be guaranteed to be error or virus free. You acknowledge that you use this website at your own risk.
You agree and accept that Grand European Tours shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any error(s) or omission(s) within in the content of this website.

Grand European Tours may provide links to third-party websites. You acknowledge and accept that Grand European Tours bear no responsibility for any content available on any such third-party site. Furthermore, you accept that Grand European Tours shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of using any such third-party website.

Grand European Tours endeavours to keep all personal information secure in line with GDPR Data Protection regulations. All information about you is kept securely and confidentially. Grand European Tours only holds and uses information about you to process bookings. Grand European Tours may be required to pass on your information to third parties, for example hotels, however this will only occur out of necessity for arranging your Tour. Any information we hold about you will never be passed on to any party that is not directly or indirectly connected to any Tour that arrange on your behalf.

We may hold your details in order to keep you advised of future events, however, you are responsible for any personal information that you wish to maintain within your personal account hosted on our website. This is only maintained by you, and stored at your own risk, which you accept when using this website.

1. General Information
Firstly, we must be clear that you understand the risks involved in participating in this or any of our Tours. Our Tours, though great experiences, are adventurous by nature and therefore potentially dangerous. Grand European Tours does not bear any responsibility whatsoever for any occurrences of accident, injury, or loss (including death). You are solely responsible for your own actions as such.

Grand European Tours are savoured experiences and are not intended to be will not run as any form of face or time-trial. We do not condone speeding or reckless driving in any way. Anyone found doing so will be removed immediately from the Tour and no refund will be issued. You are expected to drive with due care and attention at all times for your own safety and the safety of other road users.

Grand European Tours are navigational road trips with pre-determined and planned routes. You will be provided with start and finish points, route and overnight accommodation details and live tracking via your smart phone is available if wanted. You will be expected to navigate your way to the finish point each day via your own map or satellite navigation system, should you have one.

Any party that participates in a Grand European Tour must adhere to these same terms and conditions, which are set out clearly and unambiguously.

2. Age Restrictions
All participants must be 18 or over before the initial date of the Tour commencing.

3. Entry Fees
All entry fees (deposits or otherwise) must be paid by the deadlines provided. Failure to do so will result in your removal from the Tour. All deposits and entry fees are non-refundable. The entry fee does not include personal expenses or additional expenses associated with such journeys, such as fuel, tolls, food, drink, fines, repair costs or any other expenses of any kind, unless specifically stated in our Tours.

Should you decide, for any reason, to withdraw prior to, or during any Tour, any fees paid in respect of said Tour are non-refundable and non-transferrable. We recommend sufficient travel insurance prior to participation.

Grand European Tours reserves the right to refuse entry to any of our Tours.

4. Administration Charges
Upon official entrance to one of our Tours (after the deposit has been paid to secure your booking), your details held with us are final. Any changes to your details will incur an administration charge (at the discretion of Grand European Tours).

5. Documents
5.1 All drivers must hold a full UK drivers licence.
5.2 All participating vehicles must have the relevant insurance, including overseas cover and travel insurance cover.
5.3 All vehicles must have a valid and up-to-date V5C (log book) or ‘vehicle on hire’ certificate.
5.4 All participating vehicles must have a valid MOT certificate. it is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle is in safe and roadworthy condition for the Tour.
5.5 All participants must have a valid Passport. It is the sole responsibility of the participants to ensure that their documents are in order. They must be valid for the period from and to the first date to the last of any Tour you are participating in. You will be required to sign to this effect at the pre-Tour meet. Failure to comply will result in your disqualification from the Tour without a refund.

You cannot participate in any other vehicle than the one you have registered with us.

6. Local Laws
All participants must drive safely and at all times obey the specific regulations for each country visited. This includes (but is not limited to) speed regulations, highway laws, vehicle safety laws and laws relating to the possession or use of alcohol or drugs. Grand European Tours does not condone nor tolerate drink/drug driving, speeding, or any form of reckless driving of any kind. 

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are fully up to date with the driving requirements for each country that you visit. You must ensure you carry the right safety equipment for each country visited. You will be provided with essential information and recommendations; however, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are compliant.

7. Accommodation
Hotel Accommodation will be either a twin or double room. For simplicity and quality reasons, we strongly recommend two people per car, not least for ensuring that hotel accommodation meets your expectations and requirements. Tour organisers will endeavour to provide the requested room type (either twin or double), however, this cannot be guaranteed. A credit card must be provided for each room as a security deposit when checking in. It will be charged at check out for any costs (such as food and drinks) or damages.

8. Code of Conduct
All participants are expected to conduct themselves responsibly and in an appropriate manner at all times. You must not consume alcohol whilst driving, drive under the influence of alcohol (or any other intoxicating substance) or drive if your ability to do so safely is compromised by illness, lack of adequate rest, or any other condition. Any illegal behaviour will result in the cancellation of your participation without refund.

9. Responsibility
Grand European Tour organisers accept no responsibility for the consequences should you be refused entrance into or exit from any country, city, venue or premises during a Tour. Any additional costs incurred are solely the participants’ responsibility. If you miss a pre-arranged ferry, it is your responsibility to pay any additional costs.

10. Refunds
Should you for any reason fail to participate, complete any part of the route or become unable to continue at any stage of the Tour, whether by your own actions or otherwise, you will not be entitled to a refund.

11. Changes/Cancellation
Grand European Tours reserve the right to change the Tour schedule or cancel the Tour at any time.

12. Image Rights
All participants consenting to be photographed and to be included in any filming of our Tours. You consent to the use of your name, image, likeness, voice and biographical material in connection with any and all footage, publicity and related promotional material derived from participating in any of our Tours. Participants are only entitled to take photographs and film footage during a Tour for non-commercial purposes.

13. Branding
Grand European Tours does not give permission to any person, entity or business of any kind to use its logo or any other branding under any circumstances, with the exception of placing Grand European Tour, officially supplied stickers onto your vehicle.


14. Intellectual Property Rights (including Copyright)

The names, images and logos identifying Grand European Tours and all associated companies, or third parties and any products and services are proprietary marks of these parties. Nothing in the Terms shall be construed as conferring to you any licence or right under any intellectual property right of any of the above parties unless expressly stated otherwise.

All copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights within the website (including the design, arrangement, look and feel) and all material, software or content supplied as part of the website, shall remain at all times our property or the property of our licensors and is protected by intellectual property law.


15. Copying the Event
By agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, you are agreeing that you will not organise, invest or fund a road trip, organised driving trip or any such event that is in any way similar or intended to replicate any of our Tours or any of its unique features, activities or components. Any attempt to mimic Grand European Tours products, branding or attempt to benefit from the goodwill of the organisers will result in immediate legal action.


16. Force Majeure

The Tour organisers cannot accept liability or refund 100% of monies in the event that a Tour is to be amended, re-scheduled or cancelled due to any circumstances outside our control or that we could not foresee or avoid. Examples of such circumstances include, but are not limited to, international pandemics, war, threat of war, riot or civil unrest, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, natural disasters, adverse weather conditions, ferry delays or traffic delays. Grand European Tours cannot be held accountable for the closure or adjustment of operating hours of any attraction.

17. Terms and Conditions Changes
The Tour organisers reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Participants will be notified of the changes and will be deemed to have accepted the amended terms and conditions by participating in any Grand European Tour.

18. Indemnity
You will indemnify the Tour organisers, its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and sponsors against any and all claims, lawsuits and causes of action brought against them by any third party as a result of your action or participation in any Grand European Tour, including without limitation, your violation of any laws or regulations or your breach of these Terms and Conditions of entry.

19. Violation of Terms
Should any participants violate any of the above Terms and Conditions or refuse to follow the instructions given prior to, or during the Tour by the organisers, you may be prohibited from any or further participation in the Tour.

20. Law
These Terms and Conditions and your participation in the Tour are governed by English law and you submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

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